Suport tehnic
Drop/distribution tube with cord VC-TUB.
Distinguishing features:
- Outer / inner diameter: 5 mm / 3.5 mm
- Cord inside the tube
The drop/distribution tube VC-TUB protects optical fibers run between distribution points and from the points to the premises of the subscribers. The outer diameter of the tube is 5 mm and the inner 3.5 mm, which allows to accommodate several fibers or patchcord cable. The cord placed inside the tube is used to pull the fibers/cable into the tube.
The tube does not emit harmful substances during combustion (LSOH) and has increased resistance to fire, allowing for applications inside residential and public buildings.
Name | VC-TUB |
Code | L7211 |
Outer diameter [mm] | 5 |
Inner diameter [mm] | 3.5 |
Material classification (combustibility) | LSOH |
Cable pulling method | cord |
Price for 1m
Nazwa | VC-TUB |
Kod | L7211 |
Średnica zewnętrzna [mm] | 5 |
Średnica wewnętrzna [mm] | 3,5 |
Palność | LSOH |
Pilot dla wprowadzenia światłowodu | sznurek |