Tub distribuţie fibră optică VC-TUB (5mm/3.5mm)

Cod: L7211
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Drop/distribution tube with cord VC-TUB.
Tub distribuţie fibră optică VC-TUB (5mm/3.5mm)
View of the tube
Distinguishing features:
  • Outer / inner diameter: 5 mm / 3.5 mm
  • Cord inside the tube
  • LSOH
The drop/distribution tube VC-TUB protects optical fibers run between distribution points and from the points to the premises of the subscribers. The outer diameter of the tube is 5 mm and the inner 3.5 mm, which allows to accommodate several fibers or patchcord cable. The cord placed inside the tube is used to pull the fibers/cable into the tube.
The tube does not emit harmful substances during combustion (LSOH) and has increased resistance to fire, allowing for applications inside residential and public buildings.
Code L7211
Outer diameter [mm] 5
Inner diameter [mm] 3.5
Material classification (combustibility)
Cable pulling method
Price for 1m


Nazwa VC-TUB
Kod L7211
Średnica zewnętrzna [mm] 5
Średnica wewnętrzna [mm] 3,5
Palność LSOH
Pilot dla wprowadzenia światłowodu sznurek