Stripper cablu HT-332 (RG 58, 59, 6)

Cod: E8003
50,94 Lei
Preţ cu TVA Rabat Cant. Validitate
50,94 Lei 0 % de la 1 buc.
Un instrument foarte util pentru instalatorii care montează multe mufe pe cabluri coaxiale. Acesta este echipat cu două lame reglabile prin cheia inclusă (adâncimea de tăiere). Lungimea de desizolare este ajustabilă: 4, 6, 8 sau 12 mm.


Garanție 2 ani.

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Un instrument foarte util pentru instalatorii care montează multe mufe pe cabluri coaxiale. Acesta este echipat cu două lame reglabile prin cheia inclusă (adâncimea de tăiere). Lungimea de desizolare este ajustabilă: 4, 6, 8 sau 12 mm.

Instalarea conectorului Platinum BNC şi a adaptorului rapid S-55 pe cablu CAMSET CCTV


Tip produs Stripperi
Nume HT-332
Tip fire RG-58, RG-62, RG-59/CAMSET, RG-6
Nr de lame 2 × 2


Compressing F connector on Triset-113 coax

The way of compressing F connector on TRISET 113 cable

Cum instalaţi o priză TV-SAT cu reţea şi telefon

Montarea prizei multifuncţionale Signal TV-FM-SAT/RJ-45/RJ-11.

Insulation Stripper HT-332 - blades adjustment

Insulation Stripper HT-332 (for RG58, RG59, RG6, TRISET, Tri-Lan and many other cables) is a very useful tool for installers that connect lots of plugs to coaxial cables. Equipped with two blades adjustable with the included wrench. Adjustable length of the stripped sheath: 4, 6, 8, or 12 mm. The movie shows blades adjustment.

N-plug on Tri-Lan 240 coaxial cable - Installing

High quality N-male connector E84130 for use with Tri-Lan 240 and Belden H-155 cables. The connector can be used up to 6 GHz. It features low insertion loss and high return loss. 5-6 GHz systems require specially designed quality connectors that ensure optimal parameters. Tri-Lan 240 - low-loss cable.The cable guarantees not only efficient power transmission but also ensures savings on installation cost, in the process of migration from 2.4GHz to 5GHz band (it can work in both bands, so the cabling will not have to be replaced). The sheath of the cable is made of PE (UV-resistant), so Tri-Lan 240 can be used outdoors. Self-amalgamating SCAPA 2501 tape is based on PIB (Polyisobutylene) rubber. It is a versatile material for waterproofing, corrosion protection, jointing and repair of cables - used indoors and outdoors. Product properties and correct application ensure waterproof connections (for fresh and sea water) in a wide range of temperatures.

Mufa BNC Platinum si adaptor rapid S-55 pe cablu CCTV CAMSET - Instalare

Mufa a fost concepută pentru a asigura protecţie împotriva pătrunderii apei (după sertizare). În timpul compresiei mufei, garnitura de plastic este compresată pe manşonul cablului. Materialul plastic este protejat de compusul patentat. Are protecţie împotriva UV şi asigură parametri fizici stabili pe o plajă largă de temperaturi. Părţile metalice ale mufei sunt fabricate din alamă nichelată şi rezistenete la coroziune. Conectorul de cea mai bună calitate poate fi folosit atât pe cabluri CAMSET cât şi pe cabluri RG-59. Conectorul DC cu regletă E3511 este destinat alimentării camerelor. Cleşte pentru compresia mufelor E80274 (F: TRISET-113), E80275 (F: TRISET-11).

F connector Platinum on Triset 113 coaxial cable - Crimping

Top-quality F-connector Platinum for use on TRISET-113 coax. The connector has been designed to ensure watertightness (after crimping) both from the side of the cable and the device. During compression of the connector another plastic bush is tightly pressed against the sheath of the cable (by putting on cone brass case - the compression ring). The plastic material is protected by patent Delrin of well known for quality of products DuPont company. It is UV-proof, and ensures stable physical parameters in very wide temperature range. The metal parts of the connector made of nickel-plated brass are corrosion-proof.