Numărul de furturi şi a cazurilor de furt din magazine creşte în continuare, ceea ce face ca proprietarii de magazine să ia măsuri de securitate corespunzătoare pentru eliminarea sau cel puţin reducerea acestui tip de criminalitate.
Pentru observerea oamenilor, a banilor şi a bunurilor - în scopul identificării - se preferă utilizarea camerelor CCTV color, care uşurează identificarea. Îm cazul iluminării slabe se vor folosi camere cu iluminatoare IR, care permit monitorizarea chiar şi în întuneric total.

Schema de instalare a echipamentelor în magazin
Camerele de exterior supravegherează vitrina şi intrarea magazinului. Având în vedere nevoia de supraveghere permanentă, se vor folosi camere cu iluminator IR, ca de ex. Sunell SN-IRC4920AJ M11245. | |
These simple but quality compact cameras are comparatively cheap and do not need additional outdoor housings. In more demanding situations, when one requires high quality images, there should be used color day/night cameras, e.g. U-CAM 630 M11192, | |
in cooperation with special lenses equipped with automatic iris e.g. M2136. | |
Application of these lenses allows proper operation in extremely hard lighting conditions, from direct sunlight to almost complete darkness. Additionally, that equipment ensures that the images from the cameras will not be overexposed by strong lights (headlights of cars, flashing neon lights etc.) falling directly or reflected from windowpanes or other objects.
For outdoor operation, this kind of cameras has to be provided with outdoor housings with heaters
Three remaining cameras are indoors. The first of them has been mounted in the store and directed to the main door. Two remaining cameras are used for watching shop interior, however one of them, e.g. dome camera is equipped with wide angle lens (prospect view of whole shopping area) and the second camera watches immediate vicinity of cash desk and the area of direct customer service.
There may be used standard color cameras without an enclosure
or dome-type
Dome cameras usually have wide viewing angle. In places where the field of observation has to be narrowed for more detailed inspection, the original lens should be changed for the suitable one (first of all, when choosing a camera, one should pay attention to the specifications and possibility of lens's exchange - if it may be needed).
Professional CCTV monitor SAMSUNG SMT-1922P M3019 is designed for continuous operation in both analog and digital video monitoring systems. Its modern TFT-LCD screen is protected by vandal resistant tempered glass. Monitors of this series can also be used for PCs - in places or for applications that require high durability and vandal-proof protection.
19" high quality professional CCTV monitor SAMSUNG SMT-1922P M3019
Digital video recorders. These devices allow to connect both B/W and color cameras. Their advantage in comparison to PC-based systems is full autonomy - own operational system that does not cause any problems and ensures stable work.
From a great number of stand-alone DVRs there can be chosen that distinguished by best ratio of the potential compared to the price, like the model specially designed for small shops: M85040. For meeting demands of the users who wish to have remote control and supervision via the Internet we recommend the device with LAN module: M85050.
Among the DVRs having grater number of inputs, from 9 to 16, there can be recommended the next two (both provide network capability):
HIKVISION DS-8108HFI-S M78080 | |
HIKVISION DS-8116HFI-S M78160 | |
Each one has alarm connector enabling - in case of motion detection triggered alarm - to send the signal to the alarm center.
Built-in image motion detection circuit is especially useful when the movement within monitored area occurs sporadically. It restricts recording of video material to situations when something is happening, saving disc space and the time needed for reviewing the material.
Possibility of enriching the system with remote viewing from any place makes the surveillance job much easier and allows:
- quick access to the video in case of an alarm,
- lower operational costs due to reduction of traveling expenses,
- better comfort of operation.
CCTV network DVR SIGNAL DL-8308 M78308 | |
CCTV network DVR SIGNAL DL-8316 M78316 | |
While designing a surveillance system, one ought to remember about fundamental principle: existence of the system should be visible but its active elements should not have been easily identified (so it is worth to apply additional dummy and hidden cameras).
More about problems related with installation of cameras, power supplying, cables etc. you can find out in our Internet CCTV Guide.
Talks with shop owners show that after surveillance system has been installed, the number of thefts and incidents with scofflaws has considerably decreased. Surveillance system has also positive influence on quality of service for customers performed by shop personnel and settlement of contentious issues between customers and salesclerks.