Receiver optic TERRA ORQ302 E QUATRO + DVB-T2

Cod: A3133
1258,56 Lei
Preţ cu TVA Rabat Cant. Validitate
1258,56 Lei 0 % de la 1 buc.


Garanţie 4 ani.

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Terra's new TV/SAT signal distribution system is characterized by high quality and competitive price. The special features of the system are: compact dimensions of the devices allowing for convenient placing together with other elements of the system in TV cabinets, wide spectrum of devices for systems based on traditional multiswitches, dSCR/Unicable, as well as hybrid systems. The use of different versions of optical transmitters allows for the distribution of signals: DVB-T/T2 and satellite from two satellites in only 1 fiber.
The ORQ302 E optical receiver A3133 allows the conversion of the optical signal coming from the OTF302 6F31 E A3031 or OTF302 6F55 E A3055 transmitter into an electrical signal. The signal is received from the optical transmitter via a passive fiber optic network and converted back to the original IF signal. The device has 5 outputs, dividing the whole band into four polarization/band pairs (VL-HL-VH-HH) - just like in the case of a classical QUATRO type LNB, and DVB-T2, DAB, FM signals. Such receivers are often known as "virtual converters". These signals should be fed into a multiswitch with the appropriate number of outputs, and then already via coaxial cable to the subscriber outlets. Behind the receiver, it is possible to build more complex, multi-multiswitch systems.
The ORQ302 E TERRA A3133 optical receiver is compatible with the following transmitters:
  • Optical transmitter OTF302 6F31 E A3031 for transmission at a wavelength of 1310 nm
  • Optical transmitter OTF302 6F55 E A3055 for transmission at a wavelength of 1550 nm
Key features:
  • wavelength 1100...1650 nm,
  • acceptable power level at the optical input -15...-5 dBm,
  • die-cast housing ensuring a high level of shielding – class A,
  • OLC – automatic control stabilizing the signal level,
  • LEDs on the housing for much easier configuration of the entire system,
  • DC power supply directly from the connected multiswitch or an external DC power supply 10...20 V, which is optional equipment.
DIPOL also offers optical receivers for building systems based on traditional multiswitches, dSCR/Unicable, as well as hybrid systems:
  • Optical receiver ORF202 E TERRA with Wideband output A3131
  • Optical receiver ORF302 E TERRA with Wideband + DVB-T2 output A3135
  • Optical receiver ORQ302F E TERRA with QUATRO + Wideband + DVB-T2 output A3137
Customers can order any patch cords made to order with required terminating connectors. Please contact your sales assistant.
Diagram 1: Satellite TV (1 satellite position), terrestrial TV, radio. Point-to-point fiber.
Antenă de satelit offset DIPOL DPL-120 Standard (grafit RAL 7016)Antena DAB/DVB-T2 DIPOL-4/5-12 (6-8 dB, 170-230 MHz)Antenă radio FM 1RUZ PM B (O+V omnidirecţională)Sumator de catarg Terra DC015L (VHFI/II+FM-VHFIII-UHF)Convertor DTT MCA101T TERRA mastheadTransmițător optic TV/SAT OTF302 6F31 E 1x6 dBm FP 1310 nm TERRAAmplificator multiswitch satelit Terra SA-51 (5 intrări, class A, cu sursă)Splitter satelit Terra SDQ-508 (5-intrări, 20-ieşiri, class A)Multiswitch Terra MR-532 (1xSAT+CATV, 32 ieşiri, amplificat, CLASS A)Multiswitch Terra MR-532 (1xSAT+CATV, 32 ieşiri, amplificat, CLASS A)Multiswitch Terra MR-532 (1xSAT+CATV, 32 ieşiri, amplificat, CLASS A)Multiswitch Terra MR-532 (1xSAT+CATV, 32 ieşiri, amplificat, CLASS A) Antenă de satelit offset DIPOL DPL-120 Standard (grafit RAL 7016)A9684 Receiver optic TERRA ORQ302 E QUATRO + DVB-T2A3133 A98210 Transmițător optic TV/SAT OTF302 6F31 E 1x6 dBm FP 1310 nm TERRAA3031 Sursă de alimentare în comutație TERRA PS202F (20V 2A, SCR Digital)R71468 Antenă radio FM 1RUZ PM B (O+V omnidirecţională)A0221 Amplificator multiswitch satelit Terra SA-51 (5 intrări, class A, cu sursă)R70501 Splitter satelit Terra SDQ-508 (5-intrări, 20-ieşiri, class A)R70520 Multiswitch Terra MR-532 (1xSAT+CATV, 32 ieşiri, amplificat, CLASS A)R70632 Multiswitch Terra MR-532 (1xSAT+CATV, 32 ieşiri, amplificat, CLASS A)R70632 Multiswitch Terra MR-532 (1xSAT+CATV, 32 ieşiri, amplificat, CLASS A)R70632 Multiswitch Terra MR-532 (1xSAT+CATV, 32 ieşiri, amplificat, CLASS A)R70632 Antena DAB/DVB-T2 DIPOL-4/5-12 (6-8 dB, 170-230 MHz)A0140 A2230 Sumator de catarg Terra DC015L (VHFI/II+FM-VHFIII-UHF)R82018 Convertor DTT MCA101T TERRA mastheadR82101

Diagram 2: Satellite TV (2 satellite positions), terrestrial TV, radio - distribution in 1 optical fiber. Signal division into 2 optical paths.
Antenă de satelit offset DIPOL DPL-120 Standard (grafit RAL 7016)Antena DAB/DVB-T2 DIPOL-4/5-12 (6-8 dB, 170-230 MHz)Antenă radio FM 1RUZ PM B (O+V omnidirecţională)Antenă de satelit offset DIPOL DPL-120 Standard (grafit RAL 7016)Sumator de catarg Terra DC015L (VHFI/II+FM-VHFIII-UHF)Convertor DTT MCA101T TERRA mastheadSursă de alimentare în comutație TERRA PS202F (20V 2A, SCR Digital)Transmițător optic TV/SAT OTF302 6F31 E 1x6 dBm FP 1310 nm TERRASplitter optic 1:2 FC/UPC FOS102 E TERRA 3.9 dBReceiver optic TERRA ORQ302 E QUATRO + DVB-T2Receiver optic TERRA ORQ302 E QUATRO + DVB-T2Multiswitch TERRA MSV-932L (2xSAT+CATV amplificat, 32 ieşiri, telealim., CLASS A)Sursa de alimentare PS182F 18V 2A pentru multiswitchuri Terra MS/MSV Receiver optic TERRA ORQ302 E QUATRO + DVB-T2Receiver optic TERRA ORQ302 E QUATRO + DVB-T2Multiswitch TERRA MSV-932L (2xSAT+CATV amplificat, 32 ieşiri, telealim., CLASS A)Sursa de alimentare PS182F 18V 2A pentru multiswitchuri Terra MS/MSV Optical splitter FOS102