Video surveillance is one of the basic forms of protecting property. Nowadays, however, new generations of cameras and recorders allow the use of CCTV systems also in other situations. Appropriate cameras and software with image analysis functions connected to other systems allow the automation of several processes and, thanks to artificial intelligence, the identification of people and vehicles.
The CCTV cameras include IP cameras and analog CVI cameras, TVI and AHD cameras, among others. The IP cameras typically operate in an IP network and are connected via switches to the NVRs. The transmission medium here is typically a twisted-pair cable. Analog cameras are usually connected directly to the DVR via coaxial cables or, when using transformers, via twisted-pair.
In addition to cameras and DVRs, the range of products offered by our CCTV range includes all components that make up a CCTV system, such as: coaxial cables and twisted-pair cables, disks, monitors, transformers and power supplies.
The CCTV cameras include IP cameras and analog CVI cameras, TVI and AHD cameras, among others. The IP cameras typically operate in an IP network and are connected via switches to the NVRs. The transmission medium here is typically a twisted-pair cable. Analog cameras are usually connected directly to the DVR via coaxial cables or, when using transformers, via twisted-pair.
In addition to cameras and DVRs, the range of products offered by our CCTV range includes all components that make up a CCTV system, such as: coaxial cables and twisted-pair cables, disks, monitors, transformers and power supplies.
Sursă neîntreruptibilă de tensiune CyberPower UPS OR1000 este utilizată la furnizarea de energie electrică severelor, echipamentelor de reţea, NVR-uri, DVR-uri, staţii de lucru folosite la supraveghere video precum şi altor tipuri de dispozitive la fel de importante.
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