Fiber optics is becoming a dominant transmission medium in many branches of telecommunications systems. They are increasingly used not only by telecommunication operators but also by TV/SAT++ and CCTV++ contractors.
In our fiber optic cables range we offer both single mode optical fibers and multimode optical fibers. Single mode fibers are used in all types of installations and will always be a good, future proof choice. Multimode fibers, due to their design, can be used in systems in difficult environmental conditions. The cables must be used with matching (fiber standard and connector type) pigtails, adapters and patchcords.
The fiber optic systems section also offers active devices for Ethernet transmission through the fiber optics: media converters and SFP modules.
Fiber optic splicers allow to quickly make fiber optic joints. The fiber optic splicing range, apart from fiber optic splicers also includes a number of accessories such as: strippers, cutters, blades and splice shields.
In our fiber optic cables range we offer both single mode optical fibers and multimode optical fibers. Single mode fibers are used in all types of installations and will always be a good, future proof choice. Multimode fibers, due to their design, can be used in systems in difficult environmental conditions. The cables must be used with matching (fiber standard and connector type) pigtails, adapters and patchcords.
The fiber optic systems section also offers active devices for Ethernet transmission through the fiber optics: media converters and SFP modules.
Fiber optic splicers allow to quickly make fiber optic joints. The fiber optic splicing range, apart from fiber optic splicers also includes a number of accessories such as: strippers, cutters, blades and splice shields.
Splitterul optic Terra so414 împarte un semnal optic de la ieşirea unui transmitter optic în 4 semnale. Splitter-ul poate fi folosit în orice reţea PON (Passive Optical Networks).
Nodul optic TERRA OD-005P R81760 (receiver optic FTTH) este o componentă a sistemelor CATV ce folosesc tehnologia fibrei optice. Tehnologia este caracterizată de atenuare mică, de interferențe mici și, cel mai important, aceastta permite transmiterea semnalului pe distanțe lungi. Semnalele TV și FM ...
• Dimensiuni mici
• Carcasa turnată asigură eficacitate prin ecranare, prevenind apariția unor eventuale interferențe între semnale
• Frecvență de ieșire RF cuprinsă între: 47-862 MHz
• ACG ce se bazează pe nivelul de ieșire optică
• Carcasa turnată asigură eficacitate prin ecranare, prevenind apariția unor eventuale interferențe între semnale
• Frecvență de ieșire RF cuprinsă între: 47-862 MHz
• ACG ce se bazează pe nivelul de ieșire optică