Câteva proiecte finalizate folosind echipamente furnizate de DIPOL

  • Materiale video online oferite de o cameră IP instalată într-o arenă din Debrecen (Ungaria). Materialele video sunt filmate cu ajutorul unei camere IP Aviosys 9070 CS K1161. Tehnologia de streaming permite mai multor utilizatori să urmărească simultan imaginile video.
  • Alcad headend in Hotel Centuria Wellness & SPA.
  • The hotel is situated in the Krakow-Czestochowa Upland, commonly known as the Jurassic, in the landscape park on the small river Centuria, water of which has first quality class. The installation company, RTVPROJEKT, proposed to use ALCAD headend with TP-559 and TP-569 DVB-S receivers. The TP-5XX receivers have internal low-noise VSB-AM modulators enabling adjacent-channel operation.
    The signals from the headend are distributed to the outlets via cabling based on top-quality TRISET-113 cable.
  • Focus hotel chain - modernization of TV antenna systems.
  • Before Beijing 2008 Olympics, for the comfort of the guests, Focus hotel chain decided to increase the number of received programs and their quality. The company that was chosen to do this job, proposed to exchange the existing headends for TERRA MMH-3000.Digital modular headend TERRA MMH-3000 is a compact headend solution for the reception of DVB-S and DVB-T programs for analog redistribution in SMATV and small CATV networks, e.g. in hotels, boarding houses, multi-family houses, housing developments. Thanks to vestigial side band modulators it allows to utilize adjacent channels. MMH-3000 can be installed in a standard 19" rack. The UC-380 base unit incorporates power supply, RF amplifier, and intelligent data bus. It may hold up to 8 individual modules - digital satellite or terrestrial receivers and RF modulators.
  • Satellite installation in new university campus.
  • The requirements of the investor - Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow - included design and installation of antenna system and distribution network capable of providing satellite and terrestrial TV channels. An additional request was possibility of easy combining of digital terrestrial programs in the future, without a need of changing amplifiers or making any modifications, as well as distribution of video from other sources (e.g. DVD players). The contractor decided to use ALCAD headend and ZG-401 channel amplifiers.
  • Television in the Royal Castle in Niepolomice, near Krakow.
  • The only hotel in Poland that is located in Royal Castle. In 24 apartments and rooms there is place for 54 hotel guests hosted like kings. Every room has been equipped with LCD television, allowing to watch a variety of TV channels and the course of conferences taking place in the Conference Center. For the reason of high quality requirements, the installation is based on the best equipment: DIPOL antennas, channel amplifiers from Alcad, Signal passive components, Triset coaxial cable, and RF modulator from Terra.
  • Television in the "Hotel Pod Wawelem" in Krakow.
  • Despite the fact that the guests can enjoy magnificent views from the hotel windows on Wawel Castle, fire-breathing Wawel Dragon, and Vistula bends, they also have possibility of watching in their rooms a range of TV programs. The installation uses Alcad solutions: head station and channel amplifiers. There are available a dozen or so programs, including paid satellite channels.
  • City surveillance system in Tvrdosin.
  • Traditional monitoring based on PTZ cameras can be effective only when is operated around the clock by a qualified staff. In the case of the small town the costs would be unacceptable.DIPOL proposed to build a system based on fixed megapixel cameras. It is the sign of a new era in video monitoring - use of a combination of megapixel cameras with wide-angle lenses instead of PTZ devices.
    The system employs eight 2.0 Mpix IP cameras of ULTICAM. Three of these cameras have been installed on the walls of the town hall, the rest are deployed in the housing area, called Medvedzie. This district is 680 m away from the monitoring center. The video is transmitted wirelessly with Access Point integrated with antenna - ULTIAIR.
  • Monitoring of the A4 freeway.
  • To increase the safety of the A4 freeway the managing company decided to install a video monitoring system. The task was undertaken by Signalco company which used CCTV equipment supplied by DIPOL. There have been installed 60 high-resolution cameras (32 outdoor models - DWC 540F, 28 indoor domes -WK-N341R). The outdoor cameras (DWC 540F) have been put into certified Marathon housings [IP66]. The system is based on ULTIMAX-716 DVRs that use H.264 compression and proprietary RTOS. They can record sound in all 16 channels. Each DVR is capable of recording immense archive - up to 16 TB.
  • Mobile system for monitoring mass events with ACTi cameras.
  • ARNDEX company in cooperation with DIPOL designed and implemented mobile CCTV system for monitoring of Days of Myslenice, July 31 - August 2, 2009. The system employed PTZ cameras ACTi K1216, ULTISYSTEM softwareK3204, wireless links based on ULTIAIR N2300 access points. A mini monitoring center was organized in a tent.
  • CCTV monitoring in automotive wholesale center.
  • A sole representative and distributor of several manufacturers of auto parts, to increase security and improve the organization of work in a new wholesale store, decided to install CCTV monitoring. The employed outdoor day/night SUNELL cameras (M11202) have on board 1/3" SONY EX-View CCDs. Some places, very dark at night, required to use compact cameras with IR illuminators - outdoor color cameras VF-515 IR/B M11278, with SONY Super HAD sensors, 550 TVL resolution, equipped with 4-9 mm varifocal lenses. The inside parts of the building and the rooms are monitored with the cameras VC-412 M10746. The key cameras are connected to ULTIMAX DVRs that allow live monitoring, preview of archives, and configuration of the system via LAN or the Internet.
  • Video surveillance in Szczercow.
  • Szczercow (town in Lodz region in central Poland) several months ago launched urban video surveillance system. The system operates four ACTi PTZ cameras and eleven IQinVision IP cameras with resolution of 3.1 Mpx - this is a resolution about 8 times greater than that of standard PAL camera. The megapixel cameras are equipped with high quality Tokina lenses M2235 (manually adjustable focal length from 4.5 to 13 mm).
    Szczercow is under surveillance of fifteen cameras which are deployed in the most vulnerable places, especially those for 24-hour monitoring. The cameras are installed in the vicinity of schools, market, and local government. The monitoring center is located in the municipal guard.
  • CCTV system in National Helena Modrzejewska Old Theater in Krakow.
  • The main task of the system consists in monitoring of the stage and wings to enable the support services (sound and lighting operators) to follow the action and react in time according to the scenario. The basic problem that affects CCTV cameras in a theater is great variability of stage lighting, from complete darkness to bright illumination with powerful spotlights. The requirements have been fulfilled by cameras with Pixim sensors.
  • Monitoring of construction of warehouse for one of trading companies in Krakow.
  • While the building work was to be carried out, it was implemented temporary solution granting all requirements of the investor. On a high mast there were put fixed analog cameras and IP Speed Dome PTZ camera. The images from analog cameras were registered as records of construction events that could also be viewed on the Internet, to show the progress of the undertaking. The decision was dictated by easy way of making installation for the IP device, also taking into consideration future relocations. There were planned several relocations of the camera, according to the progress of construction work. The best choice in such conditions, both due to cost and flexibility, is wireless transmission.
  • Video surveillance system in Myslenice.
  • The city monitoring system has been based on modern IP technology. In the town there have been installed 14 cameras connected wirelessly via access points that work in 5 GHz band. A special wireless trunk has connected the municipal police department and the police headquarters, to ensure adequate number of observation posts. The trunk collects the data from the cameras deployed in multiple locations around the town.
    IP technology ensures high quality of transmitted video and full control over the cameras. In the building of the Municipal Police there has been installed dedicated server of 4 TB capacity, which is sufficient for storing recordings from 21 days. The system is protected by data encryption and access passwords. All the antennas work in point-to-point configuration, which also minimizes interference to the system.
  • Model video monitoring of the town and schools in Oswiecim.
  • The system implemented in Oswiecim is one of the first solutions in Poland combining monitoring of town/city center and the schools. Recording of high-resolution images is performed locally. Advanced features of the software support the work of the monitoring center, enabling effective surveillance of these many locations, with capability of quick reaction. Central management of the system executed by police professionals guarantees quick response to any threats. In the future the system will be further developed.
  • IP Monitoring in Zlotow.
  • Monitoring system in Zlotow is based on fixed and PTZ IP cameras of ACTi and devices for wireless data transmission. In the case of short distances there have been also used wired solutions. The data is also transmitted to the police station, enabling police officers to react quickly to incidents which are potentially dangerous.
  • Hybrid CCTV system in Skawina near Krakow.
  • The existing analog system (13 rotating cameras), should be extended by next three cameras. Due to large distances between the locations and municipal police station it couldn't be analog cameras. The proper solution was provided by IP CCTV technology. As the transmission medium, there has been employed cable TV network, which allows simultaneous distribution of TV channels and transmission of data packets. The solution enables quick installation of next cameras without a need of laying additional cabling. Such hybrid system is the first step towards IP technology, all for low costs (only new cameras and transcoders).
  • Town monitoring in Opatow.
  • In Opatow there is now modern city surveillance system using IP technology. There have been employed high speed dome cameras of ACTI. They have been mounted on lamp posts dedicated for the surveillance purposes. Another camera point of the system is fixed camera directed to Warsaw Gate, the place often devastated by vandals. Signals from the cameras are transmitted wirelessly to the monitoring center.
  • CCTV surveillance of Boleslaw Smialy housing development in Poznan.
  • The purpose of the system has been improvement of security and lowering vandalism in the area. High quality images are transmitted via existing network infrastructure (Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet backbone). The images from cameras are recorded, as well as available for every user of the local network. The extensiveness of the development and developer's demands for scalability of the project eliminated use of analog cameras. On the buildings facades there have been installed IP ACTi cameras in heated outdoor housings. Since the implementation of the system the number of acts of vandalism has gone down dramatically.
  • Video conference in the Bonifraters Hospital in Krakow.
  • The hospital used ACTi devices for live video transmissions from operating room, where patients were undergoing surgery, and for videoconferencing. In the operating room there were employed ACTi video servers, which transmitted images from the cameras to three conference rooms. In each of the rooms there were installed two transcoders, providing with signals TV projectors that displayed images on wall screens. In one of the conference rooms there was also used videoserver enabling transmission of interactive lectures to the rest of the rooms.
  • CCTV monitoring in the Kamieniolomy Swietokrzyskie quarry.
  • To ensure safe exploitation of the deposits and protection of the quarry, the company Kamieniolomy Swietokrzyskie ordered CCTV monitoring system. Due to large monitored area and the character of the grounds, no cable solution could be implemented. There has been used wireless monitoring system.
Camera IP speed dome zi/noapte: ACTi CAM-6621 (MPEG-4) - SOLDURI!
  • Monitoring system in Tarnobrzeg.
  • In traditional analog CCTV systems there are problems with long-distance transmission. The installer of CCTV system in Tarnobrzeg couldn't run the farthest cameras. The way out of a difficult situation was implementation of IP CCTV cameras from ACTi.
  • ULTIAIR in a city's ISP network.
  • The investor, Internet service provider in Krakow, required high performance and reliability of radio links, with high throughput in the whole backbone network. The main goal was broadband (30 Mbps) wireless connectivity to the central node and between the root node and branch nodes scattered in Nowa Huta district. The contractor has chosen ULTIAIR devices -professional Access Points, designed for efficient long-term outdoor operation, characterized by short delays and high throughput. They have been designed for creating efficient wireless IP CCTV and ISP networks.
    The devices operate in unlicensed 5GHz band - no special permissions are needed. Integration of the transceiver and antenna into one weather-resistant housing enables the installer to perform the job quickly, without additional operations. The RouterBoard with Mikrotik system has been put in outdoor housing of IP 66 class, which guarantees full protection against adverse weather conditions and corrosive environments (industry). The wireless network allows to integrate the nodes of the system and ensures easy development of the infrastructure in the future. Everyday operation of the network confirms the guidelines - high throughput and stable work of the wireless links.
  • Efficient Internet links in Grand Felix and Felix hotels.
  • PUHiT - hotel and tourist services - "Krakow" Sp. z o. o. is a company with a long tradition. It has accommodation facilities, hotels, restaurants in Krakow, Zakopane, and Kroscienko. The company management decided to modernize the existing wireless link that did not provide satisfactory stability of operation nor adequate throughput. The link connects the Grand Felix Hotel with the second Felix Hotel located about 500 m away.
    Hotel Grand Felix Hotel has a 4Mbps DSL connection and two LANs. One of the LANs provides the guests (with the use of Access Points) with Internet access, the second LAN links computers at the reception desk, in the office, bars, telephone exchange etc. Stable connection with the second hotel allows to use another LAN there. The modernized system is based on ULTIAIR devices. The modernization allows to increase throughput, improves stability and work comfort. Smooth operation of the network means fulfillment of design objectives - high stability and throughput of the wireless link.