Camera IP compactă Hikvision DS-2CD2T23G0-I5 (2MP, 2.8mm, 0.028 lx, IR max. 50m, H.265/H.264)

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Camera IP compactă: Hikvision DS-2CD2T22WD-I5 (2MP, 4mm, 0.01 lx, IR 50m, WDR)
Camera Hikvision DS-2CD2T23G0-I
Camera IP compactă: Hikvision DS-2CD2T22WD-I5 (2MP, 4mm, 0.01 lx, IR 50m, WDR)
Interfața microSD
Camera IP compactă: Hikvision DS-2CD2T22WD-I5 (2MP, 4mm, 0.01 lx, IR 50m, WDR)
Conectorii RJ45 și alimentare 12 VDC
Camera IP compactă: Hikvision DS-2CD2T22WD-I5 (2MP, 4mm, 0.01 lx, IR 50m, WDR)
Key features:
  • Rezoluție: 2 MP (1920 x 1080)
  • Lentile 2.8 mm / 114°
  • Compresie video H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
  • iluminator IR (EXIR 2.0) garantează o dispersie uniformă a lumini pe max. 50 m
  • Analiză inteligentă de imagine (detecție facială, trecere linie virtuală, intrus)
  • Slot card microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC max. 128 GB
  • Trei streamuri de date
  • WDR (hardware): 120 dB
  • Funcții procesare imagine: 3D-DNR, WDR, BLC
  • Regiune de interes (ROI)
  • Acces prin apletul Hik-Connect
  • Funcție ANR
  • Clasă protecție IP67
  • Alimentare: 12 VDC sau PoE (802.3af)
The DS-2CD2T23G0-I camera is dedicated for professional IP CCTV systems. The compact camera has been equipped with high quality 2 MP 1/2.8" CMOS sensor providing good video coverage even in low-light conditions. Along with IR illuminator with range up to 50 m, the camera can also operate in complete darkness. The built-in 2.8 mm lens has 114° viewing angle. The IP67-rated housing of the camera protects the electronics against adverse weather conditions. The camera can be powered conventionally with a 12 VDC source or with the use of PoE option (802.3af).
EasyIP 2.0plus
The model belongs to a new series, EasyIP 2.0plus, that can be placed somewhere between Easy IP 2.0 a Easy IP 3.0. The cameras of the series support modern compression methods (H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264), has housings like the EasyIP 3.0 series, including EXIR IR illuminators. The models with fixed or variable focal length use 1/2.8" or 1/3" image sensors with 2 MP or 4 MP resolution. The integrated image analysis functions (VCA) including face recognition, intrusion and line crossing detection, allow for applications in advanced video surveillance projects.
H.265+/H.265 video compression
H.265/H.265+ - rate de compresie video optimizate la aceeași calitate a imaginii redată de standardul H.264
The camera implements several video compression methods, H.265+, H.265, H.264+, H.264, MJPEG. Compared with H.264, H.265 can reduce by half the data stream, which translates into proportional savings of the disk space or into extended data retention time. H.265+ and H.264+ are Hikvision standards based on the original systems and optimized for CCTV applications. They further minimize the streams in typical video surveillance scenarios. With the advanced video compression algorithms, the camera can be used in IP CCTV systems based on modern NVRs implementing H.265 standard (the DS-76/77/96NI-I/K series supports H.265+, H.265, H.264+, H.264). Of course, the camera can also operate with older models supporting H.264 (the DS-76/77NI-E series supports H.264+, H.264).
Exir 2.0 IR illuminator
Iluminatorul IR încorporat are o rază de acțiune de până la 30 m. Iluminatorul bazat pe cea mai nouă tehnologie de emisie de lumină Exir 2.0 ,are o ficiență mai mare cu 30% în comparație cu iluminatoarele LED tradiționale IR. În plus, lumina IR sub forma unui dreptunghi se potrivește cu câmpul vizual al camerei. Acest lucru îmbunătățește în continuare eficiența iluminării și elimină intensitatea luminii excesive în partea centrală a scenei, tipică pentru majoritatea iluminatoarelor IR. Iluminatoarele Exir 2.0 asigură o uniformitate a luminii mult mai bună, inclusiv colțurile scenei, reducând în același timp poluarea luminoasă în mediul înconjurător. Comparativ cu versiunea anterioară, iluminatoarele Exir 2.0 oferă o durată de viață mai mare, datorită unei disipări optimizate a căldurii, de până la 20.000 de ore.
Continuity of recording thanks to ANR function
With the support of ANR (Automatic Network Replenishment), each the IP camera equipped with a memory card can record video in the absence of network connection. After the restoration of the network connection, the recordings are automatically synchronized with those recorded on the NVR. This ensures continuous coverage of events, even in the case of communication problems between the camera and NVR.
Convenient client applications
The iVMS 4200 client software enables users of HIKVISION devices to manage them in IP networks. The software allows for configuration and management of NVRs/DVRs, IP and analog cameras (in hybrid systems). The iVMS 4200 utility can remotely manage up to 256 devices, with the use of up to 4 monitors. One monitor can display up images from up to 64 cameras. Aside from system configuration and live monitoring, the utility can be used for remote playback, notifying, two-way audio transmission, creating multi-level e-maps.
Panoul de control al apletului iVMS-4200
Hik-Connectis a mobile application, intended for smartphones running Android or iOS operating systems. It can be used for remote live viewing of images from DVRs, NVRs, network cameras via Wi-Fi, 2G or 3G networks, and for playing back recorded video files. The application connects with the devices by IP addresses and/or through the P2P cloud.
Meniul de start al apletului Hik-Connect
Ecranul pentru previzualizarea în timp real
Working in the cloud
Hik-Connect is also a network service for Hikvison devices. The service is based on data processing in the cloud and integrates the following functions:

  • Remote access through the cloud - it allows access to the device without having an external IP address and when simplicity is the most important thing. Only the basic configuration of the network is required. The application on a PC or smartphone connects with the device via P2P cloud service,
  • DDNS server - DDNS assigns a fixed domain name to dynamically changing IP addresses (Dynamic DNS). This feature is useful when the ISP does not provide users with a fixed IP address. The condition for using DDNS is having a public IP address and providing access from the external network to the appropriate ports of the NVR (server and http, by default 8000 and 80). The connection is possible via a web browser, client application on a PC and on smartphones.
LAN tool for organizing Hikvision IP CCTV systems
SADP (Search Active Device Protocol) is a free and simple to use utility for searching Hikvision IP cameras and Hikvision DVRs/NVRs in the local network. The network device search tool can also be used for modification of network parameters of the Hikvision devices, including the change of passwords or recovery of default passwords. Detailed information on the software and its use is contained in the SADP application - LAN tool for organizing CCTV systems based on Hikvision devices article.


Sistem video
Tip carcasă

Compact (bullet)

3 axe
Image sensor 
1/2.8" Scanare progresivă CMOS
0.028 lx @ (F2.0, AGC ON),
0 lx in IR mode
Rezoluție1920 x 1080 pixels
Rată cadre pe secundă25 fps at 1920 x 1080 or lower res.
Lens2.8 mm / 114o
Număr streamuri video3
Interval rată date
32 kbps - 16 Mbps
Iluminator IRmax. 50 m
Procesare video 
3D-DNR, WDR (120 dB), BLC 
Opturator lent
Comutator mecanic filtru IR
Evenimente de alarmă

Detecție mișcare, manipulare frauduloasă; analiză dinamică

Analiză inteligentă de imagine
Detecție mișcare, trecere linie virtuală, intrus
Mod coridor
1 regiune
ÎnregistrareNAS (NFS/SMB/CIFS), FTP (captură de ecran)
Interfață rețea
RJ-45 10/100Base-T
PPPoE, NTP, UPnP, SMTP, SNMP, IGMP, 802.1X, QoS, IPv6, Bonjour
Standarde suportate
Material carcasă Metal
Clasă IP IP67
Alimentare12 VDC ± 25% 
PoE IEEE 802.3af
Consum curent
6 W (PoE: 7.5 W)
Interval temperaturi funcționare-30°C ...+60°C
DimensiuniΦ105× 299 mm
Greutate1.43 kg


Model DS-2CD2T23G0-I5
Tip produs Cameră IP
Producător Hikvision
Serie EasyIP 2.0 Plus
Tip Standard
Utilizare Exterior
Carcasă Bullet
Adjustment 3 axe
Culoare Alb
Buton de resetare Da
Tip senzor CMOS
Dimensiune senzor 1/2.8
Sensibilitate (mod culoare) lx 0.028 @ (F2,.0, AGC ON)
Deschidere F2,0
Viteza obturatorului S 1/3 – 1/100000
Obturator lent Da
Tip lentilă Fix
Distanță focală mm 2,8
Unghi de vedere orizontală ° 114
Fluxul principal rezoluție maximă MP 2
Fluxul principal rezoluție maximă px 1920 × 1080
rezoluție maximă fps 25
Alte funcții de imagine AGC, 3D-DNR, BLC, HLC
WDR dB 120
Regiunile de interes ROI 1
Modul coridor Da
Mod zi/noapte Da(ICR)
IR Gamă m 50
IR lungime de undă nm 850
Tip iluminator EXIR
Compresie video
Metode de compresie H.265+, H.265, H.264+, H.264, MJPEG
Rata de biți 32 kb/s – 16 MBps
Nr. de fluxuri 3
Înregistrarea datelor
slot microSD Da
Moduri înregistrare MicroSD (max. 128 GB), NAS
Funcția ANR Da
Analiza imaginii (algoritm convențional)
Incidente de bază Detectarea miscării, Excepție, Tamper imagine
Incidente avansate Detecție trecere linie, Detecție intrus, Detecție facială
Standarde Onvif (profile S, G, T), ISAPI, SDK
Vizualizare live 6 simultaneous channels
Utilizatori până la 32 (3 niveluri de acces: Administrator, Operator, Utilizator)
Aplicații client iVMS-4200, Hik-Connect, Hik-Central
Browsere acceptate Chrome 57,0+, Firefox 52,0+, IE8+, Safari 11+
Ethernet 1 × RJ-45 10/100 MBps
Alimentare PoE V 36-57 (802.3af)
PoE A 0.2 – 0.1
PoE W max. 9.5
DC V 12
DC A 0,6
DC W max. 7.5
Materialul carcasei Metal
Grad de protecție IP67
Temp. funcționare °C -30...+60
Umiditate <95 (fără condens)
Dimensiunile camerei mm dia. 105 × 300
Greutate kg 1,43