Cablu coaxial 75 ohmi: Tri-Shield DIPOLNET RG-6 Cu Eca clasa A+ 1.13/4.8/7.0 110 dB [100m]

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High quality Tri-Shield DIPOLNET coaxial cable is E1215_100 dedicated for individual and SMATV antenna systems. It can be used for distribution of DVB-T, FM/DAB, DVB-S/S2 broadcasts (also in multiswitch systems).
It has an inner cooper conductor with a diameter of 1.13 mm and triple shield (Al/PET/AI foil (first) + 77% density braid + Al/PET/AI foil (second)).
Key features:
  • Conform cu cerințele clasei A+
  • Miez de cupru de 1,13 mm
  • Pierdere de inserție redusă
  • Potrivire excelentă a impedanței
  • Eficiență ridicată de screening - îndeplinind cerințele clasei A++ în cea mai mare parte a gamei
  • 77% acoperire împletitură
Construction Products Regulation (CPR)<br /> noi standarde pentru cabluri
La utilizarea cablurilor cu clasa de inflamabilitate superioară, se recomandă utilizarea serie TRISET. Alegerea recomandată a clasei de incendiu prin cablu în funcție de clasa sau zona de incendiu a clădirii.

For more on cable fire resistance classes, read The CPR Directive - the new cable order
Cablu coaxial 75 ohmi: Tri-Shield DIPOLNET RG-6 Cu Eca clasa A+ 1.13/4.8/7.0 110 dB [100m]
View of the cable
DIPOLNET cables are compliant with Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and EN 50575 standard that specifies reaction to fire performance requirements, test and assessment methods for cables used as construction materials.
The RG-6 Tri-Shield coaxial cable DIPOLNET E1215 complies with the EN50117 standard for shielding (class A+) in the frequency band 5-3000 MHz.
Tri-Shield Coaxial Cable DIPOLNET E1215_100 complies with the requirements of the Regulation of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy on technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location of November 22, 2012, for the cabling dedicated to TV/SAT systems.
RoHS compliance declaration.
The Regulation in § 192e item 4 specifies the following requirements for coaxial cables in teletechnical systems in buildings of collective residence:
Requirements DIPOLNET specification
Category RG-6 or higher The DIPOLNET family cable is the
RG-6 category cable
Double shield:
- Al foil
- ≥ 77% density braid
Triple shield:
- AI foil
- 77% braid
- Al foil
Cooper inner conductor
with at least 1 mm diameter
 Cooper conductor with a diameter of 1.13 mm
Class A Screening efficiency
0.03...1 GHz ≥ 85 dB
1...2 GHz ≥ 75 dB
2...3 GHz ≥ 65 dB
Screening efficiency
0.03...1 GHz ≥ 102 dB
1...2 GHz ≥ 100 dB
2...3 GHz ≥ 105 dB
 Transfer impedance < 5 mOhm/m  Transfer impedance 1.68 mOhm/m
Tri-Shield DIPOLNET E1215_100 cable has 77% braid coverage to guarantee high screening efficiency and protect the transmitted signals against interference.
High quality, triple shielded RG6 coaxial cable has an inner conductor made of 1.13 mm diameter copper wire, which ensures very low insertion loss. The core dose not corrode, and the cable is not stiff.
The cable is manufactured under strict quality standards, with tight tolerances. Optimum flexibility of the sheath allows for easy cable installation in shafts, as well as installation or junction boxes.
In order to secure the minimum bend radius, flush mounted installations should be done with the use of protective conduits.
In the case of parallel arrangement of many cables and long cable runs it is recommended to use cables of TRISET series. Effective screening over long distances eliminates the probability of cable crosstalk. It consists in induction of unwanted signals in neighboring cables. It is manifested on the screen by image interference: pixelosis and freezing of scenes as it occurs in the case of a weak or low quality signal.
Cablu coaxial Tri-Shield RG-6 (Eca, 75 ohmi, clasa A+, Cupru, 1.02/4.8/7.0) 300m
Shielding effectiveness of DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu cable in 30-3000 MHz range
and the requirements for class A, A+ and A++.

Cablu coaxial Tri-Shield RG-6 (Eca, 75 ohmi, clasa A+, Cupru, 1.02/4.8/7.0) 300m
Transfer impedance of DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu cable in 5-30 MHz range. Cable fullfil requirements for class A+.
Cablu coaxial Tri-Shield RG-6 (Eca, 75 ohmi, clasa A+, Cupru, 1.02/4.8/7.0) 300m
Cablu coaxial Tri-Shield RG-6 (Eca, 75 ohmi, clasa A+, Cupru, 1.02/4.8/7.0) 300m
Insertion loss in the 5-3000 MHz range
Cablu coaxial Tri-Shield RG-6 (Eca, 75 ohmi, clasa A+, Cupru, 1.02/4.8/7.0) 300m
Cablu coaxial Tri-Shield RG-6 (Eca, 75 ohmi, clasa A+, Cupru, 1.02/4.8/7.0) 300m
Insertion loss in the 5-3000 MHz range and Smith chart showing the impedance of the cable. The measurements were taken at two ends of 100 m cable length. Deviations from the nominal value of 75 Ohm not exceeding 1% ensure perfect impedance matching in the transmission path.
According to the EN50117 standard, coaxial cables are divided into the following classes, depending on their screening efficiency: C, B, A, A+, A++.
Classes of screening efficiency
Class\freq. range
5-30 MHz [mOhm/m] 30-1000 MHz [dB] 1-2 GHz [dB] 2-3 GHz [dB]
C 50 75 65 55
B 15 75  65 55
A 5 85  75 65
A+ 2.5 95  85 75
A++ 0.9 105  95 85



Price for 100m


Tip produs Cablu coaxial
Producător DIPOLNET
Lungime cablu m 100
Utilizare Interior
Clasă cablu RG-6
Respectarea legislației naționale relevante Da
Clasă CPR Eca
Cablu cu gel Nu
Proprietăți fizice
Impedanță Ohm 75
Clasă ecranare A+
Impedanta de transfer TI mΩ/m
Conductor Material Cupru
Conductor Diametru mm 1,13
Dielectric spumare Fizic
Dielectric Diametru mm 4,8
Nr. straturi 3
Prima folie legat de dielectric Nu
Prima folie Material Al/PET/Al
Dimensiuni μm 10/15/10
grosime totală μm 41
Tresă Material Aluminiu
Tresă diametrul firului mm 0,12
Nr. de fire buc. 16 × 8
unghi de înfăşurare grad 26,69
acoperire împletitură 77
A doua folie lipit de teacă Nu
A doua folie Material Al/P/Al
grosime strat μm 10/15/10
grosime totală μm 41
manta Material PVC
manta grosime mm 0,7
Diametru mm 7
Culoare Alb
Parametri electrici
Rezistență la 20°C Ω/km ≤32 (ecranare) ≤22 (conductor)
capacitate pF/m 52,5
Factorul de reducere a undelor 80
Proprietăți mecanice
Temp. funcționare °C -20...+70
Temperatură instalare °C -10...+40
Raza minimă de îndoire mm 70
Greutate kg/km 54
Bobina Lungime cablu m 100, 500