Alimentarea PoE - diferenţele dintre standardele IEEE 802.3af şi IEEE 802.3at

PoE (Power over Internet) este numele unui număr de metode ce permit alimentarea echipamentelor de reţea prin cablul UTP/FTP. Astfel, se pot alimenta camere, telefoane, switch-uri, puncte de acces, etc.

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HikCentral Professional

Archive library. The information contained therein may be outdated. HikCentral Professional is a complete platform designed to manage Hikvision-branded security systems.

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Sunell, despre companie

Sunell este un furnizor global de echipamente CCTV de înaltă calitate. Compania s-a concentrat de mulți ani pe produse moderne și de încredere.

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Aplicații Sunell

In traducere...

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Hik-ProConnect – cloud service for installers and integrators of Hikvision systems

Hik-ProConnect is a state-of-the-art cloud-based platform for installers and integrators of Hikvision systems. It allows for remote diagnostics and configuration of devices.

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Measuring body temperature and counting customers in office buildings and other highly frequented sites

Modern technology considerably streamlines the work of security staff in large commercial companies, office buildings, manufacturing facilities, airports, that is, all premises with heavy foot traffic. Hikvision offers devices for instant detection of people with elevated body temperature and for counting people present on site, even the one that has multiple entrances and exits.

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People counting systems – Hikvision presentation

The technology behind people counting is able to automatically provide the necessary statistics and keep the staff updated on the number of customers present in a store. On large premises with numerous entrances, the statistics are kept for the entire facility, not for a single entrance. Cameras and software dedicated to that task are also on offer.

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Hikvision solutions for body temperature measurements

Hikvision Temperature Screening Solution, with multiple product types and wide range of applications, is designed for the detection of skin-surface temperatures so as to achieve rapid and safe preliminary screening in public areas with high efficiency in a multitude of scenarios.

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Soluții pentru măsurarea temperaturii corpului

Disponibil doar în limba polonă

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Optimizing hard drives for CCTV systems on the example of Seagate SkyHawk

A hard drive is a key element of any CCTV system. Its parameters are crucial for the quality and reliability of camera video recording. HDDs employed for monitoring purposes work under conditions different than those used in PCs.

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