Analizator de spectru Satlook Micro HD (DVB-S/S2)

Cod: R10740
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Analizator de spectru Satlook Micro HD (DVB-S/S2)
Aparatul de măsură în husa de transport
Analizator de spectru Satlook Micro HD (DVB-S/S2)
Side view - setting knob (multi-function dial), On/Off switch, DC power input (charging),
RS-232 port, two LNB inputs. The elements are accessible also when the device is in its carrying case.
Analizator de spectru Satlook Micro HD (DVB-S/S2)
Husa de transport
Analizator de spectru Satlook Micro HD (DVB-S/S2)
Alte accesorii incluse: adaptor AC/DC (încărcător), încărcător de maşină, CD-ROM cu software,
cablu RS-232 (pentru a actuliza software-ul )
Aparatul de măsură Satlook Micro HD R10740 a fost proiectat şi fabricat de inginerii de la compania Emitor din Suedia. Această companie are mulţi ani de experienţă în producţia de dispozitive de măsurare pentru sistemele de televiziune terestră şi prin satelit. Dispozitivul are un număr mare de funcţii utile, dar în acelaşi timp susţine uşurinţa utilizării. Similar cu multe alte produse, producătorul a implementat o interfaţă multifuncţională (buton/tastă) care oferă acces rapid la toate funcţiile. Această caracteristică are o importanţă deosebită atunci când utilizatorul doreşte să caute prin satelit toată banda satelit.
Scopul principal al aparatului de măsură R10740 este de a ajuta instalatorul să găsească un anumit satelit (cu Easy Find), şi apoi pentru să permită alinierea precisă a antenei şi a LNB-ului (urilor) prin măsurarea unui set de parametri ai semnalelor digitale de la transponderele selectate. Aparatul poate măsura semnale de satelit în DVB-S standard (modulaţieQPSK) şi în DVB-S2 standard (modulaţii QPSK şi 8PSK - acesta din urmă este utilizat de transpondere pentru transmisia canalelor HD).
Satlook Micro HD este echipat cu display LCD 3'' cu opţiune de iluminat şi de ajustare a contrastului. Două intrări LNB permit măsurarea simultană a parametrilor semnalelor provenind din două LNB-uri, aspect foarte util pentru alinierea antenelor cu două LNB-uri care urmează să fie aliniate cu doi sateliţi. Difuzorul integrat face uşor de găsit poziţia corectă, provizorie a antenei "după ureche" (bip-ul corespunde cu puterea semnalului satelit).
The device can store in its memory up to 100 satellite-transponder combinations. Channel lists can be freely modified and updated with easy-to-use software. The manufacturer continuously supports users through relatively frequent software upgrades that also enhance performance of the meter.
The menu is available in: English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.
Description of key features of Satlook Micro HD meter
Easy Find
Use of EasyFind mode is an easy way to point the dish at the desired satellite. The device allows the user to define custom profiles (up to five profiles, each containing up to six satellites or transponders). This feature is also very useful for installers building multiswitches systems - they can define separate profiles for each polarization-band pair. Another application is to measure parameters of signals from transponders broadcasting HD channels.
Auto scanning of all available transponders
Automatic satellite scan allows to find all transponders and distinguish broadcasting standards (DVB-S or DVB-S2). This function is available for selected satellites: Hotbird 13E, Sirius 4.8E, Thor 0.8W, Astra 28.2E, Astra 23.5E, Astra 19E.

Digital mode

The meter can measure DVB-S and DVB-S2 signals modulated in QPSK or 8PSK formats. Selection of the transponder may be made by the use of previously prepared lists, or manually using the dial. In addition, it is possible to automatically scan the entire satellite bandwidth of the satellite in order to find any other active transponders and measure their parameters.
Available measurements:
  • SIG - power level of the signal at the current frequency
  • SNR - Signal to Noise ratio of the locked signal
  • BER - Bit Error Ratio
  • MER - Modulation Error Ratio
  • constellation diagram

Spectrum mode

The spectrum mode provides information on signal power depending on its frequency. The analysis of the characteristic helps to diagnose potential sources of interference in the system. Large display and function dial make the spectral analysis an easy task.
The meter is equipped with a backlit LCD display so the measurements can be performed even in adverse lighting conditions.
X Polarity
This useful function provides a visual reference of the signal level of the vertical and horizontal polarizations. This can be used to adjust the LNB skew for maximum isolation. To ensure that the comparison applies to the right transponder, the function should be used along with spectrum analysis.
Example 8PSK constellation diagram
List of channels of a specific transponder
Main features of the meter
  • measurements of DVB-S and DVB-S2 signals,
  • QPSK and 8PSK fotmats,
  • measurements of analog signals,
  • spectral analysis with zoom function,
  • EasyFind function,
  • 3'' bright LCD display,
  • high sensitivity,
  • measurements of SIG (signal level), BER, MER, SNR,
  • constellation diagram,
  • NIT support (Network Information Table),
  • X-Polarity function supporting optimum LNB skew adjustment,
  • support for DiSEqC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2,
  • LNB power and control: 13/18 V, 22 kHz tone,
  • memory: 99 transponders,
  • RS-232 interface for firmware update,
  • handy carrying case included.
The device comes with a two-year warranty.
Name Satlook Micro HD
Code R10740
Frequency range [MHz] 920-2150
Min signal level [dBuV] 35
Max signal level [dBuV] 100
Input impedance [dB] 75
Main functions according to  transmission technology
Analog spectrum analysis
signal level
Digital (DVB-S/DVB-S2) signal level, BER, MER, SNR
constellation diagram
Satellite/transponder identification
yes (including NIT)
Memory 99 transponders
Display 3'' LCD
Data/firmware update
yes - via RS-232
LNB power and control voltages [V] 13/18
22 kHz tone
DiSEqC versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
DiSEqC positioner commands
Battery operation time
up to 2 hours
DC power input (charging parameters)
13.8 V / 1.5 A
Weight [kg] 1.5


Nazwa Język Typ pliku Wielkość pliku Data
Instrukcja obsługi EN  3.35 MB  2010.12.15
oprogramowanie - wersja 120EU -  0.4 MB  2010.12.15
Edytor listy transponderów -  0.03 MB  2010.12.15
Program do aktualizacji listy -  0.3 MB  2010.12.15