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Twin Channel Amplifier: Terra at420 (UHF, analog TV & DVB-T, AGC)
View of PA420T TERRA channel amplifier from the side of Control connector (micro USB port) to connect the device for programming.
Twin Channel Amplifier: Terra at420 (UHF, analog TV & DVB-T, AGC)
View of PA420T amplifier from the connectors side.
The PA420T TERRA programmable multiband channel amplifier is designed for receiving digital terrestrial television (DVB-T/T2) in multi-family buildings, residences, hotels, boarding houses, holiday homes, schools, hospitals, etc. The amplifier can be used as a signal amplifying element in MATV systems, multiswitch systems (SMATV), or systems based on distribution of signals from headends, modulators etc. High modulation error ratio MER of min. 36 dB allows for even the most complicated projects.
View after logging in to TERRnet application. A DVB-T2 terrestrial TV antenna is connected to the VHF/UHF input. 5 multiplexes on channels 21, 22, 23, 25, and 43 are selected.
The amplifier is dedicated to difficult conditions of reception of RF signals, with signals of different levels, coming from one or several directions.
The amplifier has 2 programmable inputs for VHF (174-240 MHz)/UHF band (470-694 MHz), 1 programmable input for UHF band (470-694 MHz), and 1 input for FM band (87-108 MHz). The device has twenty independent amplification paths. Each path is responsible for amplifying one DVB-T/T2 digital terrestrial TV multiplex. It means that one device can amplify twenty digital multiplexes.
Each of the 20 amplifiers is equipped with automatic gain control (AGC) and ultra selective SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) filter.
The automatic gain control ensures:
  • automatic signal level equalization for all channels regardless of the level at the input of the device (while maintaining the minimum required for proper signal quality) amounting to respectively 113 dBμV (for 6 MUXes). With this functionality, the installer does not have to worry about equalizing the level of all signals at the input of the system,
  • adaptation of gain level to periodical signal changes at the input of the system.
The PA420T TERRA amplifier can supply terrestrial TV antenna 12 VDC preamplifiers. The amplifier itself is powered with 230 VAC from the built-in power supply, with power consumption of 6 W (without external load).
TERRnet application enables the user to view current DVB-T2 signal levels in individual multiplexes (green) and output signal levels from the amplifier (black).
To program the amplifier, you will need a Windows computer or any Android-based mobile device capable of installing the TERRnet app and a cable with a microUSB plug (to connect to the side of the device).
Key features:
  • 20 independent amplification paths,
  • Amplification of twenty DVB-T/T2 multiplexes,
  • AGC automatic signal level equalization for all channels up to 113 dBμV (for 6 MUXes),
  • Amplified frequency range 174...230/470... 694 MHz (channels 5-12/21-48),
  • High modulation error ratio MER >=36 dB,
  • Selectivity 30 dB at 1 MHz from channel border – ultra selective SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) filter,
  • Output level adjustment 0. ..20 dB,
  • Digital software device using any Android mobile device or Windows computer,
  • Protection against unwanted signals (LTE, 5G),
  • Preamplifier power supply 12 VDC max. 0.1 A,
  • Die-cast enclosure.


Tip produs Amplificator canal
Nume PA420T
Producător TERRA
Intrare RF număr 4
Intrare RF Nr. de MUX-uri acceptate 20
Bandă funcționare FM+2 × VHF/UHF+UHF
Utilizare Interior
standard DVB-T/T2
Funcția AGC Da
Selectivitate dB 30 ± 1 MHz from the channel boundary
Intrare FM Bandă frecvențe MHz 88...108
Câştig dB 29
Reglaj câștig dB 20
Max. Nivel de intrare dBµV 69...89
Impedanță Ohm 75
Intrare UHF 1 Bandă frecvențe MHz 470...694
Intrare UHF 1 Câştig dB max 63
Reglaj câștig dB 20
Max. Nivel de intrare dBµV 50...100
intrare VHF/UHF Bandă frecvențe MHz 174...230, 470...694
intrare VHF/UHF Câştig dB max. 63
Reglaj câștig dB 20
Max. Nivel de intrare dBµV 50...100
Alimentare preamplificator V/A 12/0.1 pe intrare
Ieșire RF Putere semnal dBµV max 106 pentru FM, max 113 pentru VHF/UHF (6 MUX), max 110 pentru VHF/UHF (7-12 MUX-uri), max 109 în VHF/UHF (13-16 MUX-uri), max 108 în VHF/UHF (17-20 MUX-uri)
Ieșire RF Impedanță Ohm 75
MER dB ≥ 36
Raportul de zgomot dB <7
Configurare Any mobile device equipped with Android or Windows computer and a cable terminated with a micro USB plug
Intrare VHF Da
Filtru de respingere LTE LTE 700
Alimentare incorporată Da
Consumul de energie W 7
Temp. funcționare °C -20...+50
Greutate kg 0,66
Dimensiuni mm 192 × 147 × 55


Amplificator digital CATV profesional - programare via prin internet cu aplicația TERRnet

Amplificator digital CATV profesional - programare via prin internet cu aplicația TERRnet