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Signal ZMZ-13 surge protection installation box R48615 has been designed for comprehensive protection of SMATV systems based on multiswitches. The device protects all the satellite and terrestrial TV paths (13) against voltage surges induced in signal lines by lightning strokes. Intended for mounting on a mast/pole, with the R90610D pole mount.

The box has been equipped with 13 Signal TV-Sat surge protectors R48602 that can protect:
  • satellite paths from 2 satellites (8 coaxial lines - 4 polarization-band pairs from each satellite),
  • 2 terrestrial radio paths (FM, DAB),
  • 1 DVB-T VHF path,
  • 2 DVB-T paths (UHF1, UHF2).
  • satellite paths from 2 satellites (8 coaxial lines - 4 polarization-band pairs from each satellite),
  • 1 terrestrial radio path (FM),
  • 2 DVB-T paths (VHF1, VHF2),
  • 2 DVB-T paths (UHF1, UHF2).
Key features
  • 13 surge protectors for 13 signal lines,
  • designed for antenna systems with 5 terrestrial antennas, e.g. FM, 2xVHF, 2xUHF
  • for outdoor or indoor use, made of PA 11 aluminum alloy, powder-painted in RAL 7035,
  • mounted to a mast/pole (diam. 40-60 mm), with the R90610D pole mount,
  • alternatively can be mounted to a wall,
  • sealed and earthed door, mounted on two hinges, closed with a cylinder lock,
  • holes for cables with elastomer cable glands plus large hole for a bundle,
  • grounding connector (6 mm diameter, with cable eyelet),
  • cardboard packaging.
The box should be used at the input of a SMATV system, between antennas and the first active components (usually SAT/TV amplifiers). The box has to be grounded pursuant to the applicable regulations.
The construction of the box allows for the use of different types of F connectors and easy organization of coaxial cables. The recommended cable for connecting the protectors with antenna equipment is Triset-113 PE E1017, the best F-connectors are MASTER F 113 E80342. The output cables can also be Triset-113 PE E1017, or - in the case of long distances - Triset-11 PE E1025 (terminated with MASTER 11 E80362 F connectors).


Tip produs Surge protection
Utilizare SMATV
Producător SIGNAL
Nume ZMZ-13
Număr protecții 13
Montaj Pe catarg 40...60 mm
Dirijare cabluri From the bottom
Montaj exterior/interior Da/Da
Numărul de găuri de intrare 1
Numărul de orificii de ieșire 13
Diametrul orificiilor de intrare/ieșire. mm 13 × 16.5/1 × 43
Presetupe număr buc. 13
Material TPE thermoplastic elastomer
Diametru fir mm 5 – 11
Material cutie Aliaj de aluminiu PA 11
Tip finisare Vopsea RAL 7035
Uşă Grounded, rubber seal in body, two hinges, cylinder lock with key
Borna de împământare a cutiei Yes, ø 6 mm, cable eyelet
Dimensiuni cutie mm 305 × 250x110
Greutate kg 2
Informații despre protector
Bandă funcționare MHz 5 – 2400
Intrare priză f
Ieșire priză f
Atenuare dB aprox. 0.8 la 1 GHz, aprox. 1.2 la 2 GHz
Adaptare dB Typical 12
curent maxim kA 8 pentru 8/20 µs
Impedanță Ohm 75
DC-pass Da
Tensiune DC de rupere la 100 V/s V 230+/-42
Factor de ecranare dB > 90 (EN 50083-2/A1, klasa A)
Nivel de protecție la 1 kV/µs V ≤ 800