Cod: E80312
2,53 Lei
Preţ cu TVA Rabat Cant. Validitate
2,53 Lei 0 % de la 1 buc.


Garanţie 4 ani.

Suport tehnic


The monolithic, nickel-plated brass F 302 B2ca, Dca, Fca E80312 connector is designed for RG-6 cables. The highest precision of manufacturing affects the appearance and quality of the connection. Correct crimping is very simple and guarantees a correct and stable connection for a long time. The F 302 B2ca, Dca, Fca E80312 connector has a very precise thread, which means that there are no commonly known problems with screwing the connector onto the socket. The F 302 B2ca, Dca, Fca MASTER E80312 connector is fully tight thanks to the use of double circumferential compression on the cable side and a seal on the connector side, which protects the devices used in the installation against water.
The professional compression connector F 302 Eca MASTER E80310 is designed for cables:
The connectors should be compressed with the E80075 compression tool.
A very good tool for preparing cable ends is the insulation stripper E8010.
Key features:
  • wide operating band
  • waterproof connection of the connector to the cable
  • very low attenuation in the entire operating band
  • excellent adaptation to the transmission line in the entire operating band
  • very simple and quick assembly - crimping method: longitudinal compression
  • a properly crimped connector is very difficult to tear off the cable
  • the connector is a monolith
  • the preparation of the cable for crimping (stripping the insulation) should be done with the E8010 tool
  • a 7/16" wrench can be used to screw the connector to the socket
  • the E80076 compression connector crimper should be used for crimping
  • comparing this connector with others, it should be noted that the speed, reliability of assembly and stability of the connection correspond to the price of the connector


Tip produs Priză
Tip conector F
Producător MASTER
Montarea cablului Compresie
Familia de cabluri
Impedanță Ohm 75
Bandă frecvențe MHz 5...2400
Clasa de ecranare A
Material De bază Alamă 360
Finisare Nichel
Dimensiuni Diametru exterior mm 10,8
Diametrul interior mm 8,4
mm 5,5
Diametrul manșonului interior mm 4,83


Compresia mufelor F şi BNC MASTER

O scurtă prezentare despre cum se compresează o mufă F pe un cablu TRISET-113 şi o mufă BNC pe un cablu RG-59

Aranjarea cablurilor într-o cutie de interconectare

Montarea şi punerea în funcţiune a unei cutii de interconectare