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TRISET B2CA cable close up (LSOH sheath).

82% braid coverage - tin-plated cooper.
Quality coaxial cable TRISET B2CA E1020 is suitable for MATV/SMATV antenna systems in commercial buildings. Halogen-free cables are used where increased safety levels are required in the event of a fire (schools, hospitals etc.). Cable with LSOH sheath (halogen-free insulation). In the event of a fire, the cable does not spread flame, smoke emission is very low and the released gases are not corrosive.
Inner conductor made of 1.05 mm diameter cooper wire and triple shield: Al/PET/SY foil (first) bonded to the dielectric + 82% density braid + Al/PET foil (second) bonded to the sheath.
Key features:
  • complies with A++ class requirements
  • 1.05 mm copper core
  • low loss
  • excellent impedance matching
  • high screening efficiency
  • 82% braid coverage
  • 10-year warranty
  • LSOH cable
  • reaction to fire class acc. to CPR - B2ca-s1a,d1,a1
The requirements for using cables with a specific reaction to fire class in a given type of building should be based on a risk analysis made by the installation designer or other national formal and legal documents. The CPR Directive does not impose on the EU Member States the requirements for types of buildings and associated cables with specific fire reaction classes. The reaction to fire class of cables and other conductors installed within evacuation routes should not be less than B2ca-s1b, d1, a1.
Construction Products Regulation (CPR)<br /> noi standarde pentru cabluri
Coaxial cable for emergency exits

  • High-rise buildings (WW) with a height of more than 55 m above ground level
  • High-rise buildings (W) with a height of more than 25 m to 55 m above ground level or residential buildings with the number of floors above ground level from 9 to 18 inclusive
  • Buildings in human risk category ZL I with rooms intended for simultaneous presence of more than 50 people who are not permanent users, and not intended primarily for use by people with reduced mobility
  • Buildings in human risk category ZL II – intended primarily for use by people with reduced mobility, such as hospitals, nurseries, kindergardens, nursing homes
  • Buildings in human risk category ZL III – commercial buildings not classified unser ZL I and ZL II
  • Buildings in human risk category ZL IV – residential
  • Buildings in human risk category ZL V – collective residence not classified under ZL I and ZL II
  • PM and IN buildings (production buildings, warehouses, livestock etc.).
For more on cable fire resistance classes, read The CPR Directive - the new cable order
TRISET cables are compliant with Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and EN 50575 harmonized standard that specifies reaction to fire performance requirements, test and assessment methods for cables used for the supply of electricity and for control and communication purposes, which are intended for use in construction works and subject to performance requirements on reaction to fire.
TRISET B2CA E1020 75 ohm coaxial cable has been examined by L.S. Fire Testing Institute Srl notified body (NB 2479) and got B2ca-s1a,d1,a1 reaction to fire class.
TRISET B2CA complies with the EN50117 standard and A++ class requirements in the whole 5...3000 MHz transmission frequency range.
The cable complies with the requirements of the Regulation of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy on technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location of November 22, 2012, for the cabling dedicated to TV/SAT systems.
The cable has a declaration of conformity with RoHS, LVD, CPR.
The Regulation in § 192e item 4 specifies the following requirements for coaxial cables in teletechnical systems in buildings of collective residence:

TRISET B2CA complies with the following standards:
  • EN 60332-1-2 – test methods for reaction to fire of cables.
  • EN 50399 – heat release and smoke production measurement on cables during flame spread.
  • EN 60754-1/2 – corrosivity of gases evolved during the combustion.
  • EN 61034-2 – evaluation of formed smoke density.

High quality, triple shielded RG6 coaxial cable has an inner conductor made of 1.05 mm diameter copper wire, which ensures very low insertion loss. The core dose not corrode, and the cable is not stiff.
Optimum flexibility of the sheath allows for easy cable installation in shafts, as well as installation or junction boxes.
The cable is manufactured under strict quality standards, with tight tolerances.
In order to secure the minimum bend radius, flush mounted installations should be done with the use of protective conduits.

Screening efficiency of TRISET B2CA cable in the 30-3000 MHz range
and the requirements for A++ class.
Transfer impedance of TRISET B2CA cable in the 5-30 MHz range
and the requirements for A++ class.
Insertion loss in the 5-2400 MHz frequency range
Return loss in the 5-2400 MHz frequency range
Signal propagation velocity in the 5-2400 MHz frequency range

According to the EN50117 standard, coaxial cables are divided into the following classes, depending on their screening efficiency: C, B, A, A+, A++.
Classes of screening efficiency
Class\freq. range
5-30 MHz [mOhm/m] 30-1000 MHz [dB] 1-2 GHz [dB] 2-3 GHz [dB]
C 50 75 65 55
B 15 75  65 55
A 5 85  75 65
A+ 2.5 95  85 75
A++ 0.9 105  95 85



Price for 1m


Tip produs Cablu coaxial
Producător TRISET
Lungime cablu m pe metru
Utilizare Interior
Clasă cablu RG-6
Respectarea legislației naționale relevante Da
Clasă CPR B2ca
Cablu cu gel Nu
Proprietăți fizice
Impedanță Ohm 75
Clasă ecranare A++
Impedanta de transfer TI mΩ/m <0.9
Conductor Material Cupru
Conductor Diametru mm 1,05
Dielectric spumare Fizic
Dielectric Diametru mm 4,6
Nr. straturi 3
Prima folie legat de dielectric Da
Prima folie Material Al/PET/SY
Dimensiuni μm 40/12/25
grosime totală μm 80
Tresă Material Cupru cositorit
Tresă diametrul firului mm 0,1
Nr. de fire buc. 24 × 7
unghi de înfăşurare grad 23
acoperire împletitură 82
A doua folie lipit de teacă Da
A doua folie Material Al/PET
grosime strat μm 12/15
grosime totală μm 27
manta Material LSZH
manta grosime mm 0,8
Diametru mm 6,9
Culoare Alb (RAL 9010)
Parametri electrici
Rezistență la 20°C Ω/km 10 scut 20 conductor
capacitate pF/m 52
Factorul de reducere a undelor 85
Proprietăți mecanice
Temp. funcționare °C -30...+70
Temperatură instalare °C -5...+40
Raza minimă de îndoire mm 35 singur 70 repetat
Greutate kg/km 54